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Learn more about the Maritime History Society (MHS India)
Maritime History
And Heritage

The Maritime History Society is an over four decade long Academic initiative of the Western Naval Command, founded on 12 May 1978 by India’s great maritime icon Late Vice Admiral Manohar Prahlad Awati. It continues a rich journey of promoting Indian Maritim Wisdom through a variety of means and services.

We sail with valour in our souls and honour in our hearts.

Our Vision
The vision of the Maritime History Society is to discover the untold tales of India’s maritime medium by charting the course of maritime history and inspiring consciousness and awareness.
The Society’s vision is to embracing into a leading authority on India’s maritime history beginning from the prehistoric period all the way to the contemporary period including events that have shaped the country’s political, geographical as well as sociocultural realms. This will encourage further exploration in this fascinating field.
Our vision is to be dynamic, inclusive, and forward-looking towards celebrating the richness and diversity of maritime history and its vital importance to our shared human experience.
We envision that the Society engages with diverse communities and stakeholders, both locally and globally, to promote awareness and understanding of India’s maritime history and its relevance to our lives today.
What We do
Research Projects
Research on varied topics within the field of maritime history
Send Us Your Enquiries
Heritage Collection
Book Publication
Publication of books on varied topics within the field of maritime history
Certificate Courses
Certificate Courses on India’s maritime history
Heritage Walks With Us
Heritage walks depicting Mumbai rich historic fabric and its maritime ventures